4 Questions To Have Your Real Estate Agent Ask About A Potential Home

It is likely that you won't just dive into making an offer on a home without asking the owner a few questions. Here are some things to have your real estate agent ask before making an offer.

Are There Any Disclosures Regarding Damage?

One of the first things you'll want to ask is about things that the owner has to disclose regarding the home. There may be things wrong with it that the previous owner is aware of and will need to tell you before you purchase the home. It is best to get that information upfront so that you know exactly what kind of problems you will be dealing with and can decide if you want to back out or move forward with an offer. For example, there may be disclosures about lead paint in the home, a foundation problem, renovations done without a permit, or a previous house fire.

When Were Home Improvements Last Done?

It can be hard to tell the age of certain things in a home, which is why you'll want to ask those questions so you have a good handle on things. If the current owner is able to tell you the age of the roof and major appliances in the home, you can estimate when those things will eventually need to be replaced and if it will happen while you are living in the home. This can ultimately impact your budget if you predict you'll need to spend a lot of money in the near future for home improvements. 

What Do You Like Best About The Neighborhood?

Sometimes it's important to ask questions that are not related to the home itself. Ask the owners what they like best about living in the neighborhood. This can help shed some light on benefits to the area that you may not have thought of. You may discover that they love the local bike trails, the nearby parks, or the local restaurants that you have never heard of before. This question can give you something to look forward to as you make an offer on the home. 

What Items Will Be Left In The Home?

Chances are that the owners are not going to take everything with them. Get an idea of what items will be left in the home as part of the sale. This includes major appliances, such as a washer and dryer, as well as small things like window coverings. You'll have expectations of what else you need to buy for the day that you move in. 

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Working With Great Real Estate Agents

When you need a home that you can count on, you won't want to do the search on your own. However, real estate agents understand different markets and can help you to narrow down what you need and want out of a property. From gorgeous neighborhoods to all the right finishing touches inside a property, working with a real estate agent gives you a way to narrow down your search quickly and easily. On this website, check out great tips for working with a real estate agent, knowing how to narrow down your selections, and being mindful of the details.



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